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The French The Huguenots And Florida – How It All Came Together

A closer look at the history of the 16th century AD from the prism of the 21st century can be a fascinating experience even for a student of the subject.

Religious persecution was a matter of great importance back then but studying about it now seems like so much was lost in mindless violence and bloodshed.

The world today that we live in is in fact the outcome of sacrifices made by many names that are often lost in the pages of world history.


The Huguenots

They were also referred to as the French Huguenots who were ruthlessly persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church of the times. The background of the Huguenots was that they were disciples of the theologian John Calvin. These were the French Protestants of the 16th and the 17th centuries who were persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church because they had a different viewpoint and standpoint with regard to religion and the power of the Crown. These followers of John Calvin wanted to end religion oppression and preferred calling themselves as the reformed Church.


The French And The Spaniards In Florida

As you read through the history of this period you will find more about the persecution of the Huguenots that continued in France; many of them fled to the New World of the American continent. Many of them settled in other parts of Europe and some even traveled to parts of Africa.

Upon arrival in the continent of North America the Huguenots were quick to colonize parts of present-day southeastern USA. The first expedition was in Florida under the leadership of naval officer Jean Ribault in 1562. Charlesfort in South Carolina was the first outpost for the Huguenots.

The second attempt to colonize was set in 1564, which was led by René Goulaine de Laudonnière who was a former Lieutenant of Jean Ribault. The second base was created with Fort Caroline in present day Jacksonville in Florida.

Just when the Huguenots thought they have met with success there was a new attack from the Spaniards.

In 1565 there was a Spanish claim to the region of Florida and subsequently a force was sent by the Spanish King Philip II under the leadership of Pedro Menéndez de Avilés.

Pedro Menendez was known for his achievements in founding the Spanish treasure fleet and for laying the foundations of St. Augustine in Florida in 1565.



Jean Ribault

He was a Huguenot, a naval officer and a navigator who had his heart set in the colonization of parts of Florida; his attempts were probably driven by the fact that the Huguenots needed a base safe from the murderous clutches back in France.

Jean Ribault and his men faced defeat under the leadership of Pedro Menendez and faced massacre near St. Augustine.

His achievements may have been short-lived but they are neither lost nor forgotten in and around Florida that still bears the legacy of his valor.


Religious persecution may be a thing of the past but its bloody and ruthless massacres have left indelible marks on the history of the world.

The Huguenots are still existent in society and are now known as the French Protestant Christians and have an established church today.

Interestingly they have found followers from all over the world for their Church who are also proud Protestants now.

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